Libros. VV. AA.: Revitalizing the Institution of Marriage for the Twenty-First Century. An Agendafor Strengthening Marriage, ed. Alan J. Hawkins, Lynn D. Wardle and David Orgon Coolidge, Foreword by Linda J. Waite. Westport (Connecticut), London, 2002, 21

Regina Gaya Sicilia

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Número: Núm. 1 (2003)
Tomo LVI, Bibliografía
Cómo citar
Gaya Sicilia, R. (2003). Libros. VV. AA.: Revitalizing the Institution of Marriage for the Twenty-First Century. An Agendafor Strengthening Marriage, ed. Alan J. Hawkins, Lynn D. Wardle and David Orgon Coolidge, Foreword by Linda J. Waite. Westport (Connecticut), London, 2002, 21. Anuario De Derecho Civil, 56(1). Recuperado a partir de


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